The Taiji Primordial Stance V

The primordial stance is the basic skill for the practice of Taiji. Thus Taiji practitioners should first practice the primordial stance. It will improve the skills of Taiji practitioners in the beginning and intermediate stages.

Furthermore, the practice of the primordial stance is also beneficial to our body wellness as a stand alone technique. We start practicing standing up. Once we are well versed with it, then we can practice it sitting or lying on the ground as we see fit.

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There are some critical requirements that we should take notes of in order to improve our skill in the practice of the primordial stance for body wellness.

Critical Requirements

Adhere to these six requirements and practice well. You will reap the benefits of the primordial stance practice.

01 The correct head positioning

In positioning your head, you are required to let your head hang loose. You should push up the back half of your head, but you should not pull your neck forcefully with the head movement. The critical understanding is the virtual push of the head. Just let the cervical spine relax slightly and stretch upwards. Do not use force. Once you use too much force, you will feel dizzy. It will be harmful to your health.

The correct experience is that the head seems to be hanging in the air, so this action is also called head hanging as shown in the figure.

02 The correct tailbone positioning

The coccyx is composed of five coccyx vertebrae. Generally, these five pieces of bones cannot be moved, but practitioners use their minds to relax these five pieces of bones and make them stretch downward. After a long time, they can be loosened as shown in the figure.

In this way, the head is stretched upwards, and the coccyx is stretched downwards, so the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae in the middle are naturally stretched, thereby reducing the pressure between the vertebrae, and thus improve bone hyperplasia, lumbar disc herniation, and cervical spondylosis, neurasthenia, insomnia, headache and many other related illnesses.

03 The correct hip positioning

Stand. Bend your knees so that your buttocks are round as if you are sitting on a high stool. You should not bend your knees too much just so you feel neutral and comfortable. Your inner thighs should be stretched outward while your knees are retracted inward, so that your crotch is naturally rounded. Now you should feel like your legs are clamping the horse’s back when riding a horse.

04 The correct feet positioning

Stand. Both feet should grip the ground with heels and toes. The yongquan acupoint under the feet in the center should be hollow and not touch the ground.

05 The correct arms positioning

The arms are naturally bent, the elbows are drooping, the hands are slightly higher than the elbows, and the palms of both hands are facing each other, like hugging a balloon or a ball. Shoulders should be relaxed.

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06 The correct chest positioning

Stand with your feet apart shoulder wide. You are required to hold your chest. If you are not protruding your chest, you are said to hold your chest. To hold your chest, you should retract your lower jaw slightly. Roll your shoulders slightly forward, so that air from chest to abdomen will flow smoothly. As long as you keep your chest in the correct position, you will feel a slight swelling in your lower abdomen. This is called sink air to the dantian.

Remember, do not hold your breath to make your lower abdomen bigger, forcing your breath to sink to your pubic region. Problems will arise.


Do warm-up exercises before practicing.

Calm your mind and adjust your breathing before practicing.

When practicing, you must sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, relax your waist and sit on your hips.

When practicing, you must memorize its relative position.

When practicing, the steps should not be too high, and must be close to the ground.

When practicing, you must adhere to the requirements and do it at a natural speed.

The primordial stance is a good exercise for increasing strength and breathing. It will help to unblock the meridians for smooth energy flow to reduce many illnesses. It will also help to increase bodily strength.

You should adhere to the six requirements mentioned above to reap the real benefits from the Primordial Stance Technique.

Call to Action

Folks, that is all for now. If you think this article may be beneficial to your friends and loved-ones, feel free to forward this article to them. Life cultivation is mostly for older people with declining body health. If you are young and energetic, this may not be your cup of tea. However, if you have family members or friends who are middle-aged or older, they may want to practice life cultivation to maintain a life without pain or medication.

Stay tuned for the next episode: Practice Stance.

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