Foods for Heart and Brain Part One


The number of people who die from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the world exceeds twelve million every year. It is the number one killer and deserves our attention.

We know that poor lifestyles (irregular activities, smoking, excessive drinking, emotional instability) and lack of a balanced nutritional diet are the main factors of this disease. Therefore, we are here to discuss a balanced diet.

In order to have a balanced and nutritious diet, we observe the following rules day in and day out, until they become our daily habits or routines.

Three meals a day

Eat less animal offal, fatty meat and fried foods. Do not eat highly-flavored high-salt and high-sugar foods (no more than 6 grams of salt and no more than 50 grams of sugar). Do not overeat at each meal. Stop at 60% to 70% full at breakfast and dinner, and 70% to 80% full at lunch. We must have vegetables and fruits at each of the three meals.

How do we know that our stomach is 70% full?

Drink more water

Reduced water content increases the risk of the disease. Drink more than 2,000 ml of water, and no less than 1,500 ml for the elderly.

Drink water all along throughout the day. Do not wait until we are thirsty.

Drink water in small amounts as if we are sipping tea instead of drinking water in big mouthfuls.

What is the difference between mineral water, purified water, distilled water, spring water, and electrolyte water?

Wine and Tea

It is better to drink 50-100 ml of red wine every day. Why do we single out red wine? Will white wine have the same effect? Will other alcoholic drinks have the same effect?

It is better to drink 300-500 ml of green tea every day. Why do not favor green tea instead of white tea, yellow tea, red tea, and black tea? Refer to the article on tea drinking for more information.

They are good for our heart and brain, but do not overdo it.

Supplement spicy food

It will effectively prevent senile dementia, improve our mood, and make us feel happy. Spices such as ginger, onion, garlic, chili, and pepper all contain turmeric pigment.

Supplement your regular cooking with spicy food to lift your mood.

Try pickled food

To prevent hardening of blood vessels, food such as tomatoes, star fruit, hawthorn, oranges, mandarins, plums, and vinegar are good for us.

Food pickled with vinegar is good for our stomach and digestive system as they provide probiotics for stomach maintenance and repair.

Eat nuts

Foods such as peanuts, cashews, chestnuts, melon seeds, and walnuts are good for us. They are good, but they have high oil content, so eat them in moderation.

Why are they good for our heart and brain? Do you think walnuts look like our brain graphically?

Take Selenium

Foods containing selenium include oysters, sea cucumbers, caviar, and clams. They are not common food. What do you do if you do not prepare the foods regularly?

By the way, why is selenium necessary for our heart and brain health?

Eat Vegetable Fiber

The elderly should guarantee no less than 20 grams of cellulose (500 grams of vegetables), such as beans, vegetables, pollen, and bamboo shoots.

Why is vegetable fiber important for the maintenance and repair of our heart and brain?

What important role does vegetable fiber play in the digestive system and reduce the risk of constipation?

Pay Attention to Colors

Foods come in different colors, especially fruits and vegetables. We should eat foods that are a mix of the following six colors: green, yellow, red, purple, black, and white. Why?

Some practitioners make it a point to eat mixed colored foods every meal, or cook foods of different colors in a meal. It is not necessary to carry the practice to the extreme. Just make sure you do not favor certain colors so that you will squeeze out other colors.


Fruits and vegetables have natural ingredients that fight diseases and are free from free radical damage. Foods such as Ganoderma lucidum, mushrooms, soybeans, fungus and grapes (especially grape skins) are especially good for us.

These are not very common foods, but try to eat them every week. When you eat grapes, do not peel the skin and throw them away. It is good for you.

Call to actions


Folks, that is all for now. If you think this article may be beneficial to your friends and loved-ones, feel free to forward this article to them.

This is an extract of the full article published in Mustang BodyWorks Infoletter, a paid-subscription.

Stay tuned for the next episode: Foods for heart and brain part two.

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