As We Age: Midlife Crisis

As We Age

Midlife crisis, also known as “gray middle age”, generally occurs between the ages of thirty nine and fifty. In men between the ages of forty and sixty five, it is also known as “men’s forty syndrome.”

Broadly speaking, it refers to the various hurdles and crises that may be experienced in this stage of life such as career, health, family and marriage.

01 Causes

The midlife crisis refers to the physical and behavioral maladaptation and psychological imbalances that occur when an individual is between thirty five and fifty nine years old, that is, after entering middle age.

Men feel the threat of aging at this stage, while women enter menopause after the age of forty five, when their reproductive capacity ends.

Their status in the family and society is challenged. Children in the family begin to start their own families and start businesses, and some jobs are taken over by young people. This change in status destroys their long-term lifestyles, causing many inner conflicts, causing anxiety, tension, low self-esteem, and so on.

The crisis is most serious in late middle age. At this time, they have left their jobs and retired at home. They suddenly turn from being anxious and busy to having nothing to do, their scope of activities is reduced, and their social status declines, making them feel like they have lost something and feel empty inside.

If this crisis cannot be resolved over a long period of time, the individual’s psychological development will be disordered and pathological behavior will appear.

02 Solutions

Tension and fatigue are common phenomena among middle-aged people. Middle-aged people must learn to act within their capabilities, properly evaluate their physical and psychological endurance, and be able to accept the changes in their bodies brought about by the changes of time. At the same time, they should shift their focus to the family and experience more of the fun of family life.

In addition, they should also promptly communicate with their family members about problems at work to gain their understanding and support. Facts have shown that mutual care and love between family members is very important to people’s mental health. In addition, when encountering conflicts, setbacks and excessive mental pressure, they must be good at self-regulation and maintain psychological balance.

Psychologists believe that everyone will have psychological problems, the key is how you face them. Middle-aged people should maintain a positive and optimistic mood, fully understand themselves, and accept the reality of themselves, so that they can choose appropriate goals and seek good methods, neither feel inferior nor arrogant, and treat everything with confidence.

Our website offers you a solution. We have produced a series of posts called “As We Age”. When you feel a crisis coming your way, go and read any one or all of the posts. You will feel happier.

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