Soups for Moisturization I

马晓山 As practitioners of life cultivation, we like to eat foods in the form of soup or stew. Foods in these forms are easy to digest and absorb and that is good for older people like us. We hereby offer some soup or stew that are easy to make and offer certain benefits to maintainContinue reading "Soups for Moisturization I"

Adjusting Type A Body Constitution

马晓山 As practitioners of life cultivation, we like to adjust our body so that our body is in perfect balance and we are in perfect health. The Type A constitution is referred to as the Pinghe Type, or the Neutral and Balanced type. This type of body constitution is the perfectly healthy body. All otherContinue reading "Adjusting Type A Body Constitution"

In the Face of Death III

马晓山 We, as practitioners of life cultivation, are mostly retired and senior persons. Compared to younger people, death is more imminent for us. We tend to read about how other people of our age will face death. Here is a widely-circulated story about how Professor Chen faced her last days in life. The following articleContinue reading "In the Face of Death III"

In the face of death II

马晓山 We, as practitioners of life cultivation, are mostly retired and senior persons. Compared to younger people, death is more imminent for us. We tend to read about how other people of our age will face death. Here is a widely-circulated story about how Professor Chen faced her last days in life. The following articleContinue reading "In the face of death II"

In the face of death I

马晓山 We, as practitioners of life cultivation, are mostly retired and senior persons. Compared to younger people, death is more imminent for us. We tend to read about how other people of our age will face death. Here is a widely-circulated story about how Professor Chen faced her last days in life. The following articleContinue reading "In the face of death I"

The Rest of Our Life

马晓山 Wish of life cultivation practitioners: For the remainder of our life, the best thing to happen is for our body to have no illness, our mind to have no burden. Haruki Murakami once said: The body is everyone's temple. No matter what's in it, we should keep it resilient, beautiful and clean. We liveContinue reading "The Rest of Our Life"